Automate Android: Turn off WiFi if not connected for 10 minutes — Ep1

2 min readSep 21, 2018

It’s the first post of upcoming series on how to automate various tasks in the Android phone. No coding required.

The only thing required: Automate App

Automate is a free app which lets us automate settings like audio volume, Bluetooth, GPS, Wi-Fi, NFC, and perform actions like sending SMS or e-mail, copy files to FTP or Google Drive, play music or take photos, based on your location, time of day, foreground app, battery level or any other event trigger. We can automate almost everything, Automate even support tasker plug-ins to further extend its functionality.

Automate app is very easy to use comparatively to Tasker app and surprisingly has more functionality than Tasker app. We just need to add blocks and connect the dots to create automated tasks. These tasks are called flow.

Turn off phone WiFi if it is not connected for 10 minutes #SaveBattery

Here’s a brief overview of this flow. When WiFi is turned on, the flow will wait for 10 minutes and then check whether WiFi is connected to any network or not. If it’s not connected then it’ll disable the WiFi. If it is connected then the flow would go to sleep till the WiFi disconnects due to no connectivity. When the WiFi disconnects it’ll wait for 10 minutes to reconnect, if WiFi is still not connected then it’ll disable the WiFi.

WiFi Auto Off Flow
  1. Download this flow from here:
  2. Import it in Automate app.
  3. Hit Start button.

4. Hurray! Now WiFi will be turned off if it’s not in connected state for 10 minutes.

I’ll be adding more awesome automation flows so to keep notified follow me. Also, If you got some cool idea for Automate or need some help just comment below.

Clap Time!

